New Beginning : A Beautiful Ethereal Creature (Spirit Wolf Book #1) Page 4
It was around one in the morning and I still couldn't sleep. 'Why are you so nervous?' Maat asked me when I was sitting at the bank watching the floating moon at the surface. 'I don't know.' I replied honestly. 'I guess it has something to do with our trip to the city in the morning and our new groups of strangers all around that city.' I sighed as she spoke to me because she was actually right as usual. 'And I could bet it has a looooot to do with that stranger who you couldn't get out of your mind and who's the smell you are trying to desperately catch.' I sighed again because again she was right. 'When you say that like this it sounds, I am some kind of stalker or creep.' I replied to her. She was right and we both knew it. It has a lot to do with him. I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet him in the city or not. I wasn't sure what I should do in case I would really meet him. For the first time, I didn't understand my emotions and feelings.
'Look.' Maat started and I could say this would be a long talk. 'We are living for a long time alone. Away from everything we knew from everything you were used to. Suddenly a group of wolves came to our land and with that quiet promise of not being alone anymore. So yes, I understand why you are nervous. would they accept us? would we have to move away and hide? I know exactly what kind of questions you have inside your own private zone and could completely understand why.' Did I really hope to be part of their pack? Did I unconsciously wish to be recognized by someone? A lot of other thoughts popped up inside my head as Maat talked to me. 'That man was the first wolf you smelled after almost six years and yes his scent is like a drug even to me." She finally admitted. "Tomorrow we will go to the city as always. You would talk to Rosie, have small talks with other citizens, and no matter if he would come or not, no matter if we would meet him, you would enjoy the day full of people you like. They might be humans but you still like them.' Maat finished.
I nodded as my mood rapidly improved. 'You are right.' I agreed with her words. 'No matter what would happen tomorrow I would be alright and I would enjoy the company of Rosie as always. Thank you, Maat.' I hugged her inside my mind as I buried my face inside her amazingly soft fur. 'I am really grateful for having you and having this our private space where we could be together.' I praised her happily and lovingly. 'Yeah yeah, don't forget mental hospital awaits you the moment someone would see your face you are making right now outside of this amazing private area we share.' She sarcastically commented. At least once she could leave those stupid jokes. I slapped her as I was laughing since it was anyway funny. One time moved us in front of the mirror so I could see how my face actually looked like when we were talking together inside our private zone. I couldn't stop laughing for one week every time I came close to any mirror.
Chapter 7
'Two weeks.' I pouted. 'I know.' Thoth replied to me and I could hear a slight laugh in his tone. I am sure he is enjoying my torture. Well not like he is the one torturing me. During the last two weeks, I didn't see her. I wanted to give her as much space as I could so she could get used to us. She didn't run up to now so I guess she is also kind of welcoming other wolves but seeing her curiously sneaking around us made me happy but at the same time she is still cautious and keeps a distance.
'For sure she does dumbass.' Thoth again started to lecture me. 'She is in hiding for who knows how many years and we just came here, claimed the territory, and are building our new home. I am surprised she really didn't run away.' I knew he would be lecturing me on my stupidity but I welcomed that.
'By the way,' Thoth started. ‘You remember the words of Madam Rosie, right?' Okay, I have to admit he got me with this one as I shook my head to him which I probably should do seeing how he is face palming himself with his paw. Didn't know he could do that.
'Why Moon Goddess, why?' Oh yeah, here we go again. Thoth started to pout and pleading to the Moon Goddess. This would take some time before he tells me what I forgot.
'I don't have for you whole day stupid dog. Just tell me what the hell I forgot so we could move on.' I said to him back irritated and annoyed. I really don't know why my wolf is such a drama queen. 'Hey, I am a drama king, not a queen.' He complained back. 'So, you are admitting to being a drama king. Well, that's at least something.' I said teasing him back.
I saw him turning his back to me as he played insulted one. Drama king and on top of that child. And I am stuck with him. Goddess, bless me.
'Come on. Tell me or keep it for yourself but don't waste my time.' I was really quite irritated. I wanted to go introduce myself to her and let her know that we would stay here and welcome her to our clan if she would agree but my amazing wolf convinced me to give her space. I am sure he already reached her wolf and they had a nice and lovely conversation together but that doesn't mean I don't want my conversation with her too.
Anyway, I listened and you could guess. The first week I smelled her everywhere, it was driving me crazy. Now it's a little bit better but I am completely out of my mood.
'Fine. I would tell you but not because of you but because of her. Tomorrow it's exactly two weeks since we came to the city so she will be there again in Madam Rosie's shop.' I totally forgot. How could I forget something like that? It's my chance to meet her on neutral land where we could simply talk and introduce each other. I facepalmed myself. 'Okay, I am stupid I admit. Thanks, bro.' I spoke back to Thoth. He didn't turn back to me but at least he answered with you are welcome before he went back into his quiet solitude.
So, tomorrow morning I could go to the city, I should really write that name somewhere I still don't remember the name of it, and I could meet her there. Wait? Do I need some reason? Maybe I could pretend I am interested in some of those products of hers. Yeah, that might be a good idea.
I checked the watch and it was just something past five in the afternoon so still too much time before the dinner actually. The night is setting early and based on how far north we are I guess even the winters here would be cold.
I went to search for my beta Zack who arrived a week ago.
"Zack," I called him waiting for his reply. "What's up, man?" I saw him coming from behind an almost finished house. "Make sure to build several storehouses. I am sure winters here are cruel and cold. We need to get full before our people start pouring here like a hungry army and make it ready before the winter comes." I informed him and he nodded.
"I would do, don't worry. This first winter might be a little harsh especially since many would have to share the pack house first but I hope we would also build as many houses as possible. I gave you my word that if we move, it would be smooth." Zack told me slapping friendly my back.
I really admire that guy. Since I became Alpha, he never left me doubt about his words or loyalty. He is older than me actually. He is already thirty and more like my older brother. But every time he gives his words, I could bet on that and I am sure I would never lose that bet.
"Oh, and Zack," I called him before he could disappear instruction from the builders to new assignments.
"I would go greet our future Luna tomorrow," I told him grinning. The face he just now gave me was exactly the reason I didn't tell him yet that I found my mate. I was waiting to meet her for ten years since I could sense her despite having a wolf earlier because of our elders.
"You what?" His eyes wide and I could even sense a bit of anger. "Why the hell you didn't tell me you found your mate? Why is she not here already? Where is she? Wait, when did you visit another pack? How could you go to another pack without me?" His mind was now in the middle of the race and it couldn't be stopped. I was just laughing until he got to the end because now it's really like a full-speed train on the railroad.
"Well first, I didn't visit any pack. Second, he is here nearby actually but she lives there alone-" I started when he finally stopped to take a breath but he interrupted me again. "She is a rogue?" He asked me, as being a rogue was actually a crime.
"Kind of. Not really. I don't know. Look, it’s... different." I was searching for the right words. "Wait,
nearby? It's that wolf you said that lives up to the stream on the other side of the mountain over there." He realized that there was actually only one possible wolf nearby outside of our pack. "Oh man, yeah ok she is different I get that. But you should still tell me." Now he was whining like a child.
"I would but so far I still don't know why she is taking so many precautions to even go to the city. There are no wolves hundreds of kilometers around yet she is still hiding. Need to get her trust first man." I tried to explain to him and to my surprise he was actually nodding in agreement and understanding.
"Yeah, I get that. Well, don't screw up tomorrow then and better bring us our Luna." He told me before he turned around and went back to work.
'That's support.' I said to myself and heard my wolf chuckled. 'Well, better don't screw up then.' He repeated almost the same thing that Zack told me. 'Hey, are you with me or with him?' I asked him angrily. Like that the heck. Even my wolf is making fun of me.
Next day
"You are ready?" Zack asked me during breakfast. For sure I wasn't ready. "Yeah. I was born ready." I tried to sound confident but not sure he believed me. I was really nervous. Like what should I say? Maybe this is really not a good idea.
"Man up bro. You are twenty-six and you waited for her for pretty long. You could do it." He tried to cheer me up but couldn’t say it helped.
Anyway, he was right. I was waiting for my mate for a long time to be a man and get a lady for myself. I heard again Thoth laughing back in my head. I really don't know how we get paired together.
I went to my black SUV which was in this terrain the best. We had to clear a path wide exactly for one car and tried to choose the place with the least number of trees to make sure we would not destroy the beauty of our new home. So, the road to our land was still muddy and dirty and without proper 4x4 you couldn't reach there.
I was in the city in less than twenty minutes and parked beside Rosie's. When I opened my car door, I knew she was here. 'She didn't mask her smell today.' I said but Thoth corrected me. 'She did but differently. She is masking only the fact that she is a wolf. It's strange. This is the third time she is masking herself with a different technique.' He finished and I took another deep breath. I went closer to the window and saw her standing right beside the madam Rosie. She was laughing. I could stand here the whole day just to watch her laugh. 'No, you couldn't. Open those doors, and move your a*s inside.' Thoth ordered me and I was shocked by the way he talked to me. I guess he wants to be closer to her more than I do.
"Good morning ladies," I spoke when I opened the door of the shop and entered. They both instantly looked at me. "Good morning sir." Madam Rosie replied with a smile. One would say she was pleased to see me coming today.
I turned my attention to the girl standing beside her. Her cheeks were already burning read and I could see she was like a deer hunted by a predator. She was so cute, nervous, and shy.
"Good morning." She replied with a shy smile. Her face was black for a second so I guess her wolf was talking to her.
"My name is Calen, Calen Auburn. I thought that since we are practically neighbors now maybe I should come to introduce myself." I tried smoothly and was just going that my voice would not c***k from how nervous I was.
"It is nice to know your name finally. Last time you didn't introduce yourself properly." Madam Rosie complained, offering me a hand to shake and I realized she was right.
"And you might be?" I turned my gaze again to the most beautiful and mesmerizing girl I ever saw. Her golden eyes held fear and curiosity at the same time. She dyed her hair again to black which I didn't mind. She was still perfect no matter the color of her hair. Her cheeks were still heated and red and her juicy sweet lips were moving. Wait, they were moving. It brought me back to reality and realized I missed her name.
"Are you alright sir?" She asked me curiously. I bet my face was looking dumb just the moment ago. "Yes, yes I am fine. I was just lost in my thoughts." I replied. 'Smooth move. Good job. By the way, her name is Rei I bet you didn't hear it right?' Thoth praised me and I am surprised he told me her name right away. 'No teasing, nothing? Gonna tell me her name just like that? Wow, I am moved, bro.' I told him back really happy.
"It's nice to meet you Miss Rei," I said as gallantly as I could.
Chapter 8
Since the morning I was nervous like I never was before. I had to go back to my cabin because I actually forgot my back. Yes, you heard me right I forgot the back I packed with the stuff for Madam Rosie and others. And for sure Maat enjoyed mentioning it when I was already almost halfway down the stream just to tease me.
'You have to admit it was funny.' Maat commented when I had again one of my typical private talks with myself. 'No, it wasn't, we already lost a lot of time because of your stupid wanting." I was huffed at her.
When I finally arrived at the edge of the woods the sun was high and I knew I was already late. 'Maybe we are gonna miss him like that.' I said, still kind of angry from that small prank. Usually, I would take it another way but I guess I was too excited if I would see him or not.
'Okay, okay I am sorry.' Maat apologized but I didn't pay attention. Just to see the city from my current position made my heart beat frantically.
'You are already late; you should love your sexy lazy as*' Maat commented when I stood there for a few long minutes just staring in front of me. I didn't comment back and started to move.
"Good morning Rosie." I greeted her when I finally entered her shop. I didn't smell the guy anywhere so I guess he still didn't arrive. 'If he even gonna arrive.' Maat said sheepishly. 'Seriously sometimes you could just stay quiet. I would really appreciate that.' I replied back annoyed.
"Good morning dear. You are quite late I was worried. This is not like your usual you." Rosie replied and I heard in her voice worries.
"Yes, I am really sorry about that. I actually forgot my back in the cabin could you believe that?" I started to laugh and Rosie was eyeing me from head to toe shaking her head.
"You are too young to be already forgetting, dear. What you would do at my age." She replied and I knew she was joking with me.
"Did you see those new guys in the town?" She winked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up.
"I saw some new people around but I spent most of my time up there working so didn't meet them yet," I replied. She didn't need to know every single detail.
'Yeah, she doesn't need to know that you are a stalker.' Maat could not leave this opportunity to tease me again. Sadly, with her comment, my cheeks heated up a bit more. 'This would be a very long day.' I mentioned it for myself and I was surprised that actually, Maat didn't react.
I spent not even half an hour with Rosie before the bell above the door rang. She was telling me some funny stories with her husband and I could not stop laughing. For the first time, I wished to find someone like her late husband so I could one day also have this kind of funny yet happy memories.
We both turned our gaze to the visitor and I froze on stop. Talking to Rosie I forgot that I was actually expecting him or maybe more like wishing him to come and now when he is here, I have no words.
"Good morning ladies." He greeted us with a gentle smile. I couldn't miss his icy blue eyes but I could swear last time they weren't so dark as they are now. He was looking at me like he was waiting for something.
'You could greet him back at least. Well, it would be nice you know.' Maat poked me to wake me up from my daydreaming. 'I know his eyes are amazing but you should not stare my dear.' She was literally mocking me. "Good morning." Was everything I could say and I saw his eyes widened the same as his smile when I spoke.
'Do you think he likes us?' I asked Maat nervously. I could not stop staring at his bearded face and those dark pink lips. 'What the hell am I thinking about?' I scolded myself since the only images I had in my mind were the one where I was kissing him.
'Well sure he does like us and yes your mind is pretty dirty we bot
h know that so no need to play shy now but could you please focus? He was talking to us.' Maat scolded me and I was lost. I have no idea what he said. 'He wants your name dummy.' Maat helped me out. I was so nervous and had no idea what I should do.
"I am Rei, nice to meet you," I said but his face looked dazed and he didn't respond.